Reason for Being of the United States Bolivarian Party
We advocate for the realization of the Bolivarian dream of a Confederation of American States including the United States and Canada.
What makes the United States Bolivarian Party a Bolivarian party is its adherence to the Declaration of Santo Domingo. You can read the Declaration of Santo Domingo in the direction This Declaration has as main proposal working to achieve three objectives which the USBP incorporates. These three objectives are:
1. The realization of an economic revolution that improves the distribution of income in our countries, or what is the same that increases the real wages of workers.
2. The realization of a cultural revolution that encourages people in the formation of basic social attitudes necessary to raise the level of institutions and reduce the level of corruption in our countries. Basic social attitudes are those that are derived from the basic social values of our culture. Therefore, what is at issue is to bring the population to basic social values of our culture.
3. The realization of a political revolution that allows the formation of a Confederation of American States.
The materialization of a Confederation of American countries, as it is known, was the project dreamed of by Simón Bolívar and is hence comes the name of Bolivarian Parties, with the only difference that this time we would be adding all the countries of the American hemisphere including the United States and Canada.