4. The Foundation of a Heterosexual and Monogamous State If it is correct, the thesis, that the sexual behavior of peoples is culturally learned, then it is logical that the constituents of a Republic established in its Constitution its decision to maintain the heterosexual nature of the society, as well as the monogamous character. Given the fact that there are societies where polygamy is the majority practice, there is no need to introduce evidence that monogamous practice is culturally learned so as polygamy. Therefore it is logical that society that evolved into monogamy rather than polygamy had its historical reasons to organize in this way. Reasons that have to do with the welfare of the collective. It is therefore sensible to raise to constitutional rank their desire to become and remain monogamous society. For the same reason must be raised to constitutional rank their desire to become and remain as heterosexual society. Therefore, the United States Bolivarian Party is committed to raising constitutional range the heterosexual nature of the society, as well as the monogamous character.