Partidos Bolivaranos
1. Request for the Revocation of the Legalization of Homosexual Marriage The Bolivarian party of Puerto Rico has as main campaign promise brought a cause of action before the Supreme Court of the United States in order to reverse in its decision to legalize same-sex marriage to all States including Puerto Rico. To achieve this goal we need to demonstrate to the Court that heterosexual conduct, as well as the homosexual in humans is not determined by innate or instinctive factors only, but mainly by cultural learning. Consequently, the practice of heterosexual behavior in society, as well as the homosexual is not question of sexual preference that leads to an individual decision, as preach the promoters of same-sex marriage, but a matter of cultural learning that leads to a collective decision about whether society want to become a heterosexual society to a homosexual society. To achieve the Supreme Court of the United States in its decision to be rescinded, the Bolivarian party of Puerto Rico must demonstrate before the Supreme Court of 4 things: 1. Homosexuals are not a minority group. That is, they do not possess the characteristics to be considered as a minority group. 2. homosexuality can be learned as a conduct even if the persons don't have homosexual biological orientation. 3. The growth of homosexual conduct between members of society is harmful to society. Note that this is not only to show that homosexuality can be taught and learned but must also demonstrate that the growth of homosexuality is harmful to society. 4. Homosexuality is promoted when the values of the members of the society against homosexuality are uninstalled through legislation and case law that criminalizes the holdings of these values. To carry out the previous task the Bolivarian party of Puerto Rico intends to use the theory of homosexuality by cultural learning that can be examined on the portal. We caution the reader that this portal is used language and images starkly objective that are necessary from the point of view of the rigor of the scientific description of a sociological nature and that must be used in the courts, but that can be very shocking to the sensitivity of religious people. Therefore the Bolivarian party of Puerto Rico is committed to initiate a class lawsuit's to declare unlawful the homosexual marriage in Puerto Rico and the United States. It will also be a target of the party work, with our affiliate organization the United States Bolivarian Party to achieve the prohibition and illegality of same-sex marriage in the United States and raise it at the level of constitutional rank. The Supreme Court of the United States make a mistake when it defined homosexuals as a minority because homosexuality is a behavior and the behavior can not be criteria for defining a minority. If so, then pedophiles would be a minority and those who commit incest or bigamy or polygamy. A minority is defined as a group that is discriminated against for reasons that have nothing to do with conduct, like for example your ethnic origin or gender or social class or by a disabling impairment. The behavior can not be a criterion for defining a minority because what defines a society is the ability of the members of society to determine the rules of conduct that are acceptable. Society agree on how to be organized on the basis of how they decide what is acceptable behavior of its members. No group within the society can usurp the right to claim to be free from conduct that society decides to reject as incorrect because that would mean anarchy and, therefore, the denial of that society. If a group of pedophiles are allowed to have sex with children, eventually social values of other members of society would be changing and, accordingly, all members of society would practice the same conduct and claiming the same right. If the group of people who steal are allowed to do so, eventually other members of society would change the social values about still until all members of society would practice the same conduct and claiming the same right to do so. Therefore, pedophiliac behavior cannot be an individual decision based on sexual preference for children, but it is a collective decision that involves the transition from a type of society not pedophile to pedophile society otherwise. The behavior of stealing cannot be an individual decision of preference for the theft, but a collective decision involving the transition from one type of society to another type of society. Homosexual behavior can not be an individual decision of sexual preference for people of the same sex, it is a collective decision that involves a transition from one type of society to another type of society. The determination of correct or acceptable behavior are inculcated in the members of the society through cultural values that are installed in the psyche of the people. Contradictory values in different groups of society can not be installed unless it violates the existence of that particular society to promote anarchy. Therefore, we must show to the Supreme Court of the United States that it has erred in its determination to legalize same-sex marriage because that has not been correctly informed with sociological and psychosocial expertise necessary for its determination. 2. Heterosexual conduct, as well as the homosexual in humans is not determined by innate or instinctive factors only, but mainly by cultural learning. 3. The growth of homosexual behavior increases the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, when the proportion of same-sex marriages will increase over time exceeding 35% of the population, to that extent will arise serious problems that require further dramatic changes in the way of organizing society. For example, to ensure the survival of the population you will need to create a bellies rent industry to produce sons on a massive scale to that 35% of the population of marriages which, for obvious reasons, may not have children of their own. Another possible solution would be to allow the marriages of many people which should be men and women to allow the procreation of children. Consequently, society would be transformed from monogamous to polygamous. As you can see, all of these possible changes would involve dramatic changes in the way of organizing society that have not been evaluated by the United States Supreme Court. On the other hand, society has the right to be consulted if they want to stop being a monogamous society to become a polygamous or if they want to be set an industry to produce children to gay couples when they exceed 35% of the population. 4. We understand that the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States has launched the country and the rest of the countries that have imitated it in Latin America and Europe to a transition from heterosexual societies towards homosexual societies. The transition is slow and can not be seen in the short term. Take five generations or more to be able to begin to see the changes. The Bolivarian party of Puerto Rico understands that sexual behavior in humans, as opposed to sexual behavior in animals, is not determined by innate or instinctive factors but by cultural values. Therefore, the preaching of pro homosexual values, as it is the acceptance of same-sex marriage, involves a change in the system of values of the culture that promotes and encourages homosexual conduct, and therefore leads to the gradual transition (100 years or five generations) of heterosexual societies to homosexual societies. Humans are the only animal that has values and that governs their behavior based on them. No other animal has that faculty. Animals exhibited a sexual behavior that is only determined by innate or instinctive hormonal and biological factors. Human beings have these same innate or instinctive hormonal and biological factors that have animals, but their sexual behavior is not determined by these elements only, but by the values of their culture with regard to correct or accepted sexual behavior. Is for this reason that animals, that is dogs, horses or pigs, they have sex with their mother or their sisters or daughters since the sexual conduct in them is only determined by innate or instinctive hormonal and biological factors. On the contrary, human beings, although they may derive pleasure from sexual intercourse with their relatives, unlike animals, they do not do because it gives them shame, dread, anxiety. Embarrassed because, unlike animals, human beings have cultural values (religious and non-religious) installed in his psyche. From a very young society, through culture teaches that incestuous behavior are bad or wrong, as well as the homosexual conduct, as well as pederast or pedophile behavior. Consequently, since those behaviors produce very strong unpleasant feelings (shame, disgust, revulsion, anxiety, etc.) people who have these values installed in his psyche remain away from practice these behaviors. If society through the legislature and the courts creating laws to criminalize the values against homosexual conduct, as it is the case today in the United States and in countries that are imitating the United States in this aspect, then begins systematic persecution of members of the population who have and displayed through the verbal behavior and actions the rejection of homosexual conduct. This persecution suffered by the artist, public official, or common citizen in their work and their neighborhood that is expressed against homosexual conduct, constitutes a systematic form of persecution which creates a gradual change system of cultural values of the society regarding the correct sexual conduct. This change in the values of the society leads to a transition from heterosexual to homosexual societies. If the society through the legislature and the courts creating laws to legalize same-sex marriage, is forced to turn a change in cultural values regarding or the correct and acceptable sexual behavior. For the above reasons the United State Bolivarian Party intends to bring a message of awareness about the long-term implications that has for society to accept homosexual conduct, as well as the legalization of same-sex marriage as good or correct or acceptable. Therefore, the United States Bolivarian Party intends to win elections, reverse this process and establish as illegal same-sex marriage. A second promise of the United States Bolivarian Party and its affiliate the Bolivarian Party of Puerto Rico is the establish a plebiscite for the people of the United States with respect to raise a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. The Bolivarian party of United States understands that society has the right to demand two things from the Government: 1. In the first place, it should be scientifically investigate and verify and check if it is correct that the heterosexual behavior in humans is culturally learned, or if it's completely innate or instinctive behavior that may not be teach or learn. The government has an obligation to conduct a scientific study on the impact that legalizing gay marriage will have on the sexual behavior of future generations and the heterosexual nature of society in the long term (5 generations or 100 years) before taking the measures taken to legalize gay marriage. 2. Secondly, in the event that it proves scientifically heterosexual behavior is learned American society and of Puerto Rico have the right to be consulted whether or not they want that society evolves from a heterosexual society to a homosexual society. The Government of the United States has not made any scientific study to determine the impact in the long run that will take the decision to legalize same-sex marriage. It has simply taken a decision that could change the heterosexual nature of the society in the long term (five generations or more, that is around 100 years old or more) without that held no scientific study that showed that the heterosexual behavior of peoples is not culturally learned. If the sexual behavior of peoples were culturally learned, as it established the theory of homosexuality by Cultural learning, then should be consulted the people of Puerto Rico and the United States if they want to stop being a heterosexual society and evolve into a homosexual society. We have informed the President of the United States Barack Obama the impact that will take this decision in the long term with regard to issues of geopolitics in the alignment of Nations in the future and the impact that will have on health and diseases of sexual transmission in the people of the United States. You can see the letter reporting to the President on these threats on the portal HomosexualCountries.Com/letter-president-US-barack-obama.aspx. Therefore, apart from initiating a lawsuit in the Supreme Court that will reverse in its decision to legalize same-sex marriage, the United States Bolivarian Party shall require the Government of the United States to make the necessary scientific studies on the impact that will have on the long-term decision to legalize same-sex marriage. We must also require the Government to formally answer the approaches that are made to President Obama in the aforementioned letter.